Monday, December 27, 2010

Amarok PHP and mYSQL

 //charset=utf-8 makes it so unicode output doesn't get gobbled up by browser  
 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");  
 echo '<p>Youri\'s id3v2 script</p>';  
 //connect to mysql and select amarokdb  
 $link=mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());  
 echo "Connected to MySQL<br />";  
 mysql_select_db("amarokdb") or die(mysql_error());  
 echo "Connected to Database<br />";  
 //this makes the mysql db play well with utf8  
 //globally retrieve all variables in the url string  
 $variable = $_GET['what'];  
 $bitratevariable = $_GET['bitrate'];  
 $coversaction = $_GET['coversaction'];  
 $idofartist= $_GET['idofartist'];  
 $artistName= $_GET['artistName'];  
 echo "<a href=?what=bg1cd>Look for albums that have a CD num set</a> <br />";  
 echo "<a href=?what=blt128>Look for tracks with bitrate lower than 128kbps</a> <br />";  
 echo "<a href=?what=covers&coversaction=lookup>Look up covers</a> <br />";  
 echo "<a href=?what=nulltracknum>Look for tracks with no tracknumber set</a>";  
 echo '<br/><br/>';  
 echo "Look up bitrates<br />";  
 echo "[<a href=?what=bitrate&bitrate=128>128</a>] ";  
 echo "[<a href=?what=bitrate&bitrate=160>160</a>] ";  
 echo "[<a href=?what=bitrate&bitrate=192>192</a>] ";  
 echo "[<a href=?what=bitrate&bitrate=256>256</a>] ";  
 echo "[<a href=?what=bitrate&bitrate=320>320</a>] ";  
 echo '<br/><br/>';  
 //return the artist's name when an artist iD is passed  
 function getArtist($artistnum)  
      $artist = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `artists` where `id` = $artistnum");  
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($artist))   
           return $row{'name'};  
 //returns the album's name when an album id is passed  
 function getAlbum($albumnum)  
      $album = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `albums` where `id` = $albumnum");  
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($album))   
           return $row{'name'};  
 //this lists all the artists in the database except for various artists  
 function listArtists()  
 //select UNIQUE artist ID's from a join table of artists and album (join by referencing artists id column with albums artist column  
 artists      albums      
 88 ARTIST     ALBUM     88  
        $result = mysql_query("select distinct artist from artists join albums on ORDER BY `artists`.`name`");  
 //walk through the result and pull artist id and artistname  
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))   
 //urlencode for spaces in artists and utf8 artists  
           $artistID = $row{'artist'};  
           echo "<a href=?what=covers&coversaction=getArtistAlbums&idofartist=$artistID&artistName=",  
           ">$artistNameSQL</a><br />";       
 //listallalbums belonging to artist ID when given an artist ID       
 //artistname is passed only for html output  
 function listAlbumsById($idofartist,$artistName)  
      $albums = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `albums` where `artist` = $idofartist" );  
           echo "<strong>$artistName</strong><br />";  
           while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($albums))   
           $album = $row{'name'};  
 //amarok stores album covers by getting and md5sum hash of lowercased artist and album  
 //mb_strtolower works on unicode white strtolower doesn't  
           echo "<div style=\"display: inline-block\">";  
           echo "$album<br />";  
           echo "/home/youri/.kde4/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers/large/",md5(mb_strtolower("$artistName$album",'UTF-8')),"<br/>";  
           echo "<img width=500px src=./albumcovers/",md5(mb_strtolower("$artistName$album",'UTF-8')),"><br/>";  
           echo "</div>";  
 if ($variable=="bg1cd")  
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `discnumber` IS NOT NULL");  
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))   
           $artist = getArtist($row{'artist'});  
           $album = getAlbum($row{'album'});  
           echo "$artist - $album <br />";  
 elseif ($variable=="blt128")  
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `bitrate` < 128 ORDER BY `tracks`.`artist` ASC");  
      $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);  
      echo "$num_rows Tracks<br /><br />";   
           while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))   
           $artist = getArtist($row{'artist'});  
           $album = getAlbum($row{'album'});  
           $tracknumber = $row{'tracknumber'};  
           $title = $row{'title'};  
           $bitrate = $row{'bitrate'};  
           echo "$artist - $album - $tracknumber - $title [$bitrate]<br />";  
 elseif ($variable=="bitrate")  
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` WHERE `bitrate` = $bitratevariable");  
      $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);  
      $totaltrax = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks`");  
      $num_rows_total = mysql_num_rows($totaltrax);  
      echo "$num_rows Tracks are $bitratevariable kbps ";   
      echo "out of a $num_rows_total total tracks<br />";  
      $percentage=($num_rows/$num_rows_total *100);  
      echo "Which equals: ";  
      echo number_format($percentage, 1)."%<br/>";  
 //if covers is called with lookup, list artists  
 //if covers is called with get artistalbums, then get artist's albums  
 elseif ($variable=="covers")  
      if ($coversaction == "lookup" )  
      elseif ($coversaction == "getArtistAlbums" )  
 elseif ($variable=="nulltracknum")  
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tracks` where `tracknumber` is null");  
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))   
      $artist = getArtist($row{'artist'});  
      $album = getAlbum($row{'album'});  
      $title = $row{'title'};  

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